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Ladies and Gentlemen….Murphy Felton!

Ladies and Gentlemen….Murphy Felton!

Many of you have had the delight of getting to know Murphy Felton, our Marketing Team Manager, over the last four years, as she has come out from behind the curtain to share her ebullient humor and creativity at family camp.

Involved in ministry literally from early childhood, and Christian camping since High School, Murphy has a treasure trove of ideas, gifts and experiences to draw upon as she seeks to bring our guests of all ages closer to Jesus.

Murphy is a Renaissance Woman, making her a great asset to an organization as diverse as Mount Hermon. A writer of scripts and songs, a techie who can write code or troubleshoot computers, an onstage presence who can emcee, act or do Improv, a builder of sets, an editor of video and design, a musician, an athlete, handy with tools and chainsaws, a capable theologian, potter, coach, director, gardener, sommelier and cheese monger… the space limitations require editing of the many facets of Murphy.

When asked what she likes most about her marketing job, Murphy said, “Working with the creative team allows me to dream, strategize and create with all the different facets of what takes place at Mount Hermon. No day is the same, ever. Our team of designers and videographers is stacked with people who are ridiculously talented, smart and who really enjoy working together. Every day in our office is fun and an adventure, despite the pressure from deadlines.

We love each other and love what we get to do. Each person on our team is stoked about the mission we are on together, seeing lives transformed by God’s love experienced in fresh ways. We get to represent and interpret the brand of Mount Hermon to connect with different audiences. We get the honor and responsibility to be the storytellers. That’s pretty cool.”

From Left to Right (Mount Hermon’s Improv Team) Joe Allen, Murphy Felton, Jon Helmholz, Heidi Allen, Melinda Koenig

She also likes problem solving and says that there are puzzles to solve every day. A glance at the production calendar in her arena shows this to be true. Virtually every word of copy, every still or moving image, every digital communication, every sign, ticket or name badge, every program, poster, decoration, ad, journal, evaluation, t–shirt, mug and even the framed art in guest rooms passes under Murphy’s gaze, ensuring continuity of message, stewardship in production, and effectiveness with regard to the objectives of the project.

Her free time brings more of the same, often using her gifts to advance the visions or ministries of others. She loves to play…trivia, board games, cards, pranks, sports… and enjoys the company of her friends almost as much as that of her Golden Retrievers.

What Murphy loves best about her job is that Mount Hermon has allowed her to play across departmental lines. Though managing the marketing/creative endeavors is her primary role, she has enjoyed writing scripts and curriculum for all of our camps. She has trained staff, directed dramas and videos and influenced themes. She is great at putting herself into the shoes of the reader or camper, no matter their age or expectations, and understanding what they need to see, hear or feel to embrace the experience that we offer them.

Murphy asks for prayers that creativity will flow and storylines, dialogue and concepts would come quickly. After all, we are always on a deadline.

View Comments (2)
  • I’m grateful for the play she produces at family Camp!! Our hold family knows “Ceiling floor, windows door…. PEOPLE”

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