Located in the heart of the Santa Cruz Mountains, the Mount Hermon Book Shop is the perfect place to pause and retreat. Surrounded by serene redwoods, find a book to help you renew, refresh, and transform your relationship with God or simply indulge in hours of leisurely browsing. With books, clothing, gifts, and more we are delighted to serve you at the Mount Hermon Book Shop.
Current Hours
Current Hours
Updated hours coming soon.
Quality Staff
Our staff love Jesus and have a heart to serve you. Mount Hermon staff connect with young and old alike and seek to live out the Gospel by serving well, asking good questions, and supporting you as you search for truth.
Take camp home with you
Campers and overnight guests: We also highlight books and resources by many conference speakers and carry a full line of Mount Hermon branded clothing. Pick up any “necessities” that you’ve forgotten, find a good book to read while you’re away, choose a gift to take home to a friend, or select just the right item to help you remember the special memories made at Mount Hermon.
Where We Are
Mount Hermon Book Shop is 7 miles from downtown Santa Cruz, in the Santa Cruz Mountains, between San Francisco and Monterey.
35% off orders of 15 or more of 1 title– non-returnable)
30% off orders of 15 or more of 1 title– returnable with overstock fees of 25% on books returned (wholesale price)
Discounts for buying 5+ of any 1 title– we offer a 20% discount for those wishing to purchase 5 or more of any one title (this is not limited to church ministries but can include)
Case quantity pricing: 40% off any case of 1 title from publisher. (Case quantity varies depending on publisher). Drop ship from publisher. Delivery: approximately 2 to 2 ½ weeks.
Contact Us
Sometimes what you need is to talk to a real person and get your questions answered—let's make it happen!