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Children's & Youth Pastor's


October 7–8th, 2024

Mount Hermon

Children's & Youth Pastor's Summit

  Oct. 7–8, 2024
  Conference Center
Are you a children’s ministry worker or youth pastor feeling the need for connection, renewal, and inspiration? Join us at Mount Hermon for an unforgettable retreat designed specifically for those dedicated to nurturing the next generation!
Featuring spiritual renewal through powerful worship and teaching, connections and community, inspirational seminars, and thrill-filled recreation.
Space is limited, so register soon!
Register Now!


Food, Lodging, & Program


per person

Space is limited to 80 attendees, so register soon!

Jim Burns

Jim Burns is the president of HomeWord, and speaks to thousands of people around the world each year. For decades he has been a leader in the area of family ministry and has developed dozens of resources to help kids and teens grow in their faith.

Grace Wysong

Grace Wysong is currently the worship leader and director for the college and young adult ministry at Twin Lakes Church in Aptos, Ca. She loves leading worship for various churches, ministries and camps and conferences. She also serves as a guest worship leader for surrounding churches. She looks forward to meeting you and worshipping together.


    Sequoia Aerial Adventure


    Redwood Canopy Tour


    McAfee Fieldhouse




We prioritize quality teaching and enough free time for fun.

When What
11:30 AM Check-In
12:30 PM Lunch in Dining Hall
1:30 PM Opening Session
2:30 PM Breakout Sessions
4:00 PM Breakout Sessions or Free-time Rec options
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Evening Session with Jim Burns
When What
8:30 AM Breakfast
9:30 AM Morning Session with Jim Burns
10:30 AM Solo Time
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Tours of Redwood Camp and Ponderosa Lodge
2:30 PM Closing Session with Jim Burns
3:30 PM Check-out


Inspirational seminars to equip you for your next season of ministry.
Seminar Led by
Sharing the Unchanging Gospel in the Midst of a Changing World
How do we share the unchanging Good News of Jesus in a culture that is constantly evolving and marked by rapid change? In this seminar, we will talk about biblical literacy, church history trends, and generational theory to help equip you to continue sharing the love of Jesus with today's youth.
Sharing the Unchanging Gospel in the Midst of a Changing World
How do we share the unchanging Good News of Jesus in a culture that is constantly evolving and marked by rapid change? In this seminar, we will talk about biblical literacy, church history trends, and generational theory to help equip you to continue sharing the love of Jesus with today's youth.
Led by: Kelsey Paterson, Director of Youth Ministry at Mount Hermon
Kelsey Paterson, Director of Youth Ministry at Mount Hermon
The Pastor’s Soul
As pastors, we often prioritize everything but the nourishment of our own souls. It seems noble, even biblical, to do so, right? Actually, it's not. In a culture that glorifies busyness and productivity, we equate our success with how much we do and create. However, this relentless pursuit can leave us spiritually and physically depleted.
God gave us the Sabbath as a precious gift, understanding our deep need for rest and renewal. This seminar will explore what the Bible teaches about Sabbath and soul care. We will also discuss daily, monthly, and yearly practices to nurture our own souls, enabling us to truly give our best to our families and ministries.
The Pastor’s Soul
As pastors, we often prioritize everything but the nourishment of our own souls. It seems noble, even biblical, to do so, right? Actually, it's not. In a culture that glorifies busyness and productivity, we equate our success with how much we do and create. However, this relentless pursuit can leave us spiritually and physically depleted.
God gave us the Sabbath as a precious gift, understanding our deep need for rest and renewal. This seminar will explore what the Bible teaches about Sabbath and soul care. We will also discuss daily, monthly, and yearly practices to nurture our own souls, enabling us to truly give our best to our families and ministries.
Led by: Dr. Sheri Perenon, Director of the Bay Area Youth Coalition
Dr. Sheri Perenon, Director of the Bay Area Youth Coalition
Children's Ministry Leaders Round Table
Come together with other children's and ministry leaders from around the bay area to discuss and collaborate on the unique challenges you face as you invest in the next generation
Children's Ministry Leaders Round Table
Come together with other children's and ministry leaders from around the bay area to discuss and collaborate on the unique challenges you face as you invest in the next generation
Led by: Yolanda Beaudoin, Children's Ministry Director at Twin Lakes Church
& Caroline Smith, Director of Children's Ministry at Mount Hermon
Yolanda Beaudoin, Children's Ministry Director at Twin Lakes Church
& Caroline Smith, Director of Children's Ministry at Mount Hermon
Helping Families Develop Practical Spiritual Formation Practices
Spiritual formation can happen daily in the lives of your church’s’ families. Learn how you might help your families begin to reimagine what spiritual practice are and how they can adopt them into their daily routines no matter how busy they are.
Helping Families Develop Practical Spiritual Formation Practices
Spiritual formation can happen daily in the lives of your church’s’ families. Learn how you might help your families begin to reimagine what spiritual practice are and how they can adopt them into their daily routines no matter how busy they are.
Led by: Steven Johnson, Director of Family Ministries at Mount Hermon
Steven Johnson, Director of Family Ministries at Mount Hermon
Leading Change in Your Church Ministry
Change can be hard, even feared; but sometimes changes is needed to help get your ministry to where God is leading it. Learn some practical tools that will assist you in leading your church into the future.
Leading Change in Your Church Ministry
Change can be hard, even feared; but sometimes changes is needed to help get your ministry to where God is leading it. Learn some practical tools that will assist you in leading your church into the future.
Led by: Steven Johnson, Director of Family Ministries at Mount Hermon
Steven Johnson, Director of Family Ministries at Mount Hermon

    McAfee Fieldhouse




    Dining Hall


    Meeting Room




    Lodge Room Interior


Before Getting to Camp

  • Packing List

    Keep these in mind when you're packing.

    • Bible
    • Notepad and pen
    • Casual outdoor clothes including warmer clothes for evenings
    • Comfortable shoes for walking the grounds
    • Flashlight


    • Umbrella—rain is a possibility
  • Medical Dietary Form

    Have a Special Diet or Medical Dietary issue? Please fill out this form to let us know about it so we can better serve you.

When You Arrive


Conference Center
37 Conference Dr.
Mount Hermon, CA 95041
Get Directions