
Join with and support the mission and ministry of Mount Hermon

Associates give $1000 or more annually to our
Mount Hermon Annual or Campership funds.
Become an Associate today!
Associates give $1000 or more annually to our Mount Hermon Annual or Campership funds.
Become an Associate today!

Make these moments happen.

Your Gifts interconnect with others to provide a solid foundation for ministry.

Our mission is to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, teach the authoritative Word of God, and serve the church both locally and throughout the world.

You provide life-transforming encounters with Jesus for children, teens, adults of all ages and families with your gifts.

Thank you for making a huge impact!

Associates make a difference in the lives of each person here. Thank you for your financial partnership, your prayers and the many other ways you created space for people to encounter Christ.

Mount Hermon Impacts


Guests that attend each year
Associate gifts make up


of annual gift income
Mount Hermon Impacts


Guests that attend each year
Associate gifts make up


of annual gift income

"There’s a sense of ownership of what God is doing. It’s an honor to be a part of that."

~Mount Hermon Associate

I'm an Associate.

We are so grateful for you! You make a difference. The children, youth and adults God brings to Mount Hermon are worthy of your investment.

Will you?

  • Prayerfully consider joining again this year.

  • Consider setting up regular giving by electronic transfer.

  • Prayerfully consider joining again this year.

  • Consider setting up regular giving by electronic transfer.

This is all new to me.

Please let us know of your interest by completing the response card enclosed or contacting Kerry Phibbs at 831.430.1237 or

Will you?

  • Prayerfully consider joining.

  • Make a gift or set up regular giving here

  • Let us know your interest by contacting Kerry

  • Prayerfully consider joining.

  • Make a gift or set up regular giving here

  • Let us know your interest by contacting Kerry

Associates give $1000 or more annually to our Mount Hermon Annual or Campership funds.
Associates give $1000 or more annually to our Mount Hermon Annual or Campership funds.

A shared vision & commitment

Associates share a vision for what God does through camp, conference and retreat experiences to draw people closer to Him. They understand that it takes a village working together to create and maintain the sacred spaces where ministry happens. They recognize God inviting them to be a part of this vital ministry, and are willing to commit at least $1000 per year to participate in this vision.

Come celebrate each year.

Associates are invited to be our guest at our Associates in Ministry Celebration held each year in May. This is a time when we rejoice over the Kingdom impact made possible by your gifts, while sharing valuable ministry updates. It’s also a great time to connect with others who share your heart and vision for what God is doing through your investments at Mount Hermon.

How are associate gifts used?

Through the Mount Hermon Annual Fund, Associate Gifts support mission critical expenses and infrastructure not covered by guest fees. The Annual Fund also includes gifts for camperships which provides aid for families with a financial need.

What's the best way to give?

Associates give with varying frequency and methods. Monthly giving through Electronic Funds Transfer is the easiest and most economical option.

We're here to help.

  • JR Loofbourrow

    J.R. Loofborrow

  • Kerry Phibbs

    Kerry Phibbs

  • Andrew Summers

    Andrew Summers

  • Karen Crist

    Karen Crist

  • Topher Matson

    Topher Matson

At Mount Hermon we're here for you. We can answer questions and help you get connected in anyway you need.

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    Make a donation & manage
    your recurring gifts

    Donate Now
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    Contact Kerry Phibbs


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    Print and mail this form
    Sending a Check? Make payable to:

    Mount Hermon
    Advancement Department
    PO Box 413
    Mount Hermon, CA 95041