If your desired housing choice is full, please do not hesitate to sign up on our waitlist.
Sign up on the WaitlistOftentimes, people are at a loss for words when describing Family Camp.
Well, hallelujah for video!
Meals & Program Fees
(if applicable) per person
Cost of Camp
6 Night Room Rate
Master Suite | $1324 |
Deluxe | $1116 |
Standard | $916 |
Economy | $572 |
Explore Lodge options with our Housing Tool:
2025 JEMS Housing Search ToolPer Person Meal & Program
Adult (13+) | 4–12 yrs | 0–3 yrs |
$715 | $543 | No Charge |
Use this tool to explore the variety of cabins we offer.
Per Person Meal & Program
Adult (13+) | 4–12 yrs | 0–3 yrs |
$715 | $543 | No Charge |
Per Person Program Only (No Meals)
Adult (13+) | 4–12 yrs | 0–3 yrs |
$402 | $350 | No Charge |
We prioritize quality teaching and enough free time for family fun.
Schedule subject to change.
When | What |
4:30 PM | Check-in Begins |
5:30 PM | Carnival on the field |
6:30 PM | BBQ Dinner |
7:00 PM | Opener |
When | What |
8:00 AM | Breakfast |
9:00 AM | Morning Session |
11:15 AM | Morning Seminars |
12:30 PM | Lunch |
1:30 PM | Family Free Time |
5:30 PM | Dinner |
7:00 PM | Evening Session |
8:30 PM | Family Evening Activity |
When | What |
8:00 AM | Breakfast |
9:00 AM | Morning Session |
11:15 AM | Morning Seminars |
12:30 PM | Lunch |
1:30 PM | Family Free Time |
5:30 PM | Dinner |
7:00 PM | Evening Session |
8:30 PM | Family Evening Activity |
When | What |
8:00 AM | Breakfast |
9:00 AM | Morning Session |
11:15 AM | Morning Seminars |
12:30 PM | Lunch |
1:30 PM | Family Free Time |
5:30 PM | Dinner |
7:00 PM | Evening Session |
8:30 PM | Family Evening Activity |
When | What |
8:00 AM | Breakfast |
9:00 AM | Morning Session |
11:15 AM | Morning Seminars |
12:30 PM | Lunch |
1:30 PM | Family Free Time |
5:30 PM | Dinner |
7:00 PM | Evening Session |
8:30 PM | Family Evening Activity |
When | What |
8:00 AM | Breakfast |
9:00 AM | Morning Session |
11:15 AM | Morning Seminars |
12:30 PM | Lunch |
1:30 PM | Family Free Time |
5:30 PM | Dinner |
7:00 PM | Evening Session |
8:30 PM | Family Evening Activity |
When | What |
8:00 AM | Breakfast |
9:00 AM | Check out |
Rev. Naoto Kamano was born in Kobe, Japan in 1963. He received a call to full-time church ministry while in graduate school and earned a PhD in Old Testament studies. Currently, Rev. Kamano serves as the president of Kansai Bible Seminary, an associate pastor at Kobe Chuo Church of The Church of Jesus Christ of Japan, the Director of AGST/J Kansai Training Center, and the Director of JCFN. He is the author of “The Work of God's Mighty Power: Listening to the Letter to the Ephesians,” “One Story That Runs Through the Sixty-Six Books of the Bible,” “Old Testament Guidebook,” and other translated books. His family includes his wife, adult daughter and son. He has been a Mac user for over 30 years and a drama fan.
Kim is the primary preaching elder at Lighthouse Community Church in Torrance, a church he helped plant 22 years ago. His passion in ministry is to help people love and worship Christ more deeply by showing that the gospel is not only for eternal life, but everyday life. He has the great joy of being married to Jen for 23 years and raising their four kids together. Along with ministry he enjoys rooting for LA sports teams, eating good food, and traveling with his family.
Gary Shiohama is the retired founding and senior pastor of South Bay Community Church in Torrance. Prior to entering full-time ministry in 1992, Gary had a diverse career in the business and political arenas, serving as a deputy to two local elected officials and owning a Mexican restaurant. Raised in a Buddhist home, he became a Christ-follower at the age of 20 while attending Pepperdine University. Gary often says he cut his ministry teeth as a youth advisor at Evergreen Baptist Church and through his involvement at various Mt. Hermon high school camps.
Now retired, Gary enjoys cheering for Shohei Ohtani, training future leaders, and guest-speaking at churches. He has been happily married to his wife, Cheryl, for nearly 32 years, and together they have two daughters, a son-in-law, and a lively dog named Kea.
Nichigo Speaker
Rev. Fukuno Masakazu is the Senior Pastor at RCI (Revival Church International) South Osaka Evangelical Church in Osaka, Japan. Rev. Fukuno has attended Kansai Bible Institute (KBI), received missionary training at DTS (discipleship training school) and SOE (school of Evangelism) in Hawaii through YWAM.
In 1992, he started CPM (Christian Power Ministries) ministry to teach about the Holy Spirit. He is currently the JEC director, a (KBI) teacher and executive director. A motto he enjoys in life is, “Step by step,” serve the Lord by being yourself. He is married and has three adult children. He is a proud grandpa of 7 grandchildren.
JEMS Speaker
For more than 25 years, Jon Hori has been serving the local and global church. Today, as West Coast and East Asia Director for global discipling mission seeJesus, Jon trains pastors, missionaries, and churches here and abroad. He previously served for ten years at Evergreen Baptist Church SGV (La Puente, CA) before planting Lifesong Community Church (Chino, CA).Jon holds a Master’s degree from Fuller Theological Seminary and will soon complete a doctorate from Western Seminary (Portland, OR). Jon and Sonia, his wife of 22 years, currently reside in Southern California with their four children. Because the JEMS Mt. Hermon conferences were such a rich part of Jon’s personal faith history, it is a sweet privilege for him to serve as this year’s evening speaker.
JEMS Speaker
Ken Shigematsu is the Senior Pastor of Tenth Church in Vancouver, BC, one of the largest and most diverse city-center churches in Canada. He is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal awarded to Canadians in recognition for their outstanding contribution to the country. Before entering pastoral ministry, he worked for the Sony Corporation in Tokyo. Ken is the author of the award-winning bestsellers God in My Everything and Survival Guide for the Soul. Ken lives in Vancouver with his wife, Sakiko, and their son, Joey.
Nichigo Speaker
Pr. Takafumi Nagasawa serves as one of the pastors at Canaan Praise Church in Sapporo, Japan.
In 2007, he graduated from the Kansai Seisho Gakuin Seminary. As a child in the sixth grade, he began composing worship songs. He currently ministers as a worship leader throughout Japan at churches, schools, hospitals and coffee houses. One of his songs includes “Jesus I’m In Love with You.”
小学6年生の時に姉の影響で賛美歌を作り始める。2007年関西聖書学院卒業。『Growing Up』等様々なユースミニストリーを立て上げ、ワーシップリーダーとして多方面に活動。現在までに多くのCD制作に携わり、作曲した賛美歌は日本だけでなく多くの国々で歌われている。全国47道府県を全て巡回し、若者たちのネットワークを繋げる働きと共に、メッセンジャーとして教会だけでなく、ライブハウスや喫茶店や駅、路上、学校、病院などあらゆる所でイベントや集会を開き福音を伝えている。北海道出身。カナン・プレイズ・チャーチ主任牧師。カナン祈りの家“CHOP”ディレクター。
Nichigo Speaker
1971年生まれ、牧師家庭に生まれる。 17歳で家を出て放蕩、19歳でキリストを信じる。大きく3回信仰の挫折を経験する。 引っ越しを35回繰り返してきた。文字通り、引越し貧乏。 さかえと結婚して2人の子どもを与えられた。 皆にもとさんで呼ばれる。 JEMS協力宣教師、にのみやさんチャペル牧師、恵友学園園長
Pastor Greg Mah, the morning speaker, is on staff as the Teaching Pastor for the South Bay Community Church in Torrance, CA. He received his Masters of Divinity degree from Talbot Theological Seminary and previously served as a pastor to college students and young adults for 10 years. His desire to help people grasp God’s Word and fall in love with Jesus propelled him to accept a pastoral teaching position at SBCC. Greg married his wife Monica in 2009 and has three children, Evan, Karis, and Arinea. Greg’s passion after God and his family is surfing.
Pastor Gary Shiohama is the founder and senior pastor of the South Bay Community Church in Torrance, California. He has been pastoring the church since 1992. Before God called him into full- time ministry, Gary worked in politics and owned a Mexican restaurant. Gary is an alumnus of Pepperdine University and studied at Talbot Theological Seminary. He married his wife Cheryl in 1993 and has two daughters, Kailie and Natalie, as well as a stepson Brandon. Gary is an avid Star Wars and Angels fan and loves to spend time with his family.
Rev. Dr. John Teter is the senior minister of Holy Faith Fellowship, a new church plant in the West Long Beach - Compton region. Prior to launching the new work, John served for 14 years as the founding and senior pastor of Fountain of Life Covenant Church. Teter also serves as the executive director of Holy Faith Antioch, developing urban apostles in American hoods, Hong Kong, and Tokyo.
John has written four books, Get the Word Out and Jesus & the Hip Hop Prophets (co-authored with Alex Gee), The Power of the 72, and the soon to be published Jesus, Michael &Mamba co-authored with Michael Thomas.
John and his wife, Becky, live out their life verse, “From his fullness we have all received grace upon grace” (John 1;16) with three wonderful children. In his spare time, John enjoys tennis with the family, good film and television, and being a very small part of the Los Angeles Lakers Band.
Shinji Seki was born in Tokyo. In 1984, he moved to the U.S. to work as a cook and was baptized
at Santa Clara Valley Japanese Christian Church. After graduating from Tokyo Biblical Seminary, he worked as a pastor in Japan for 12 years, and in 2015, at the age of 40, he became the pastor of Honolulu Christian Church, Nichigo ministry in Hawaii, where he currently serves. He has a loving wife, four children, and a dog. His hobbies include surfing, tea ceremony, and cooking. He is the author of "Restoring the` Shape of God to the Family," published by Seine Publishing Co.
“Aiming for Spiritual Maturity" (Jibeirin Shuppan).
He is also the co-author of "Bible Beliefs: Sermons" (Lifestorer Planning).
Proverbs: A Father's Book of Wisdom" (Shinsei Mission e-book).
René Schlaepfer is the senior pastor of Twin Lakes Church in Aptos, California is the author of five books: "Jesus Journey"; "God Is"; "Grace Immersion"; "Hope Experience"; and "Thrill Ride: Thriving Through Life's Ups and Downs". He lives in the beautiful beach town of Santa Cruz with his wife Laurie. Born in San Jose, California to Swiss immigrant parents, Rene grew up with dual citizenship and briefly lived in Switzerland before settling on the West Coast. There he worked for many years in broadcasting, primarily as an air personality on contemporary music radio stations. While in broadcasting, Rene earned a BA in Radio/TV/Film from San Jose State and an MA Theology from Western Seminary. Since then, he has served as a pastor in San Diego, South Lake Tahoe, and Santa Cruz. Rene and Laurie have three children they adore: Jonathan, Elisabeth, and David. Beside their love of church ministry, Rene and Laurie also advocate together for their favorite causes: local food banks and an orphanage in India. Rene has been a speaker for JEMS Mount Hermon many times and is popular among the JEMS families.tlc.org
Peter Tsukahira, Co-Founding Pastor of Kehilat HaCarmel (Carmel Congregation), an Israeli Messianic congregation, has lived on Mount Carmel in northern Israel for 35 years. He is a graduate of Christ for the Nations Institute and also holds a Master of Divinity degree. In 2000, he established the Mount Carmel School of Ministry (mountcarmelsom.com). Peter’s international speaking ministry, video teachings and books have impacted many around the world with an understanding of God’s heart and strategic purposes for the coming kingdom. He is the author of Equip – Your Personal Journey to the Kingdom, God’s Tsunami – Understanding Israel and End-time Prophecy and other books. Visit his website at petertsukahira.com for more information.
Saku was born and raised in Osaka. He was saved through "just an English conversation class" by a very kind and charming missionary in high school. He then broke his vow to "not to be a schoolteacher and a pastor” and quit his job after 4 years. After seminary, he spent 13 years at Kishiwada Bible Church in Osaka and 28 years at Makiki Christ Church in Hawaii as a pastor. After he spent 1 year at Makiki as a pastoral help man, he was the principal of a mission school for 6 years. Now after 35 years, he is enjoying a surprising life with his wife as a pastoral helper at the church where he planted seeds in Kishiwada. He has five children and nine grandchildren.
There's a lot of us. |
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There's less than 6 of us. |
We like being further from the action. |
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We want our room as near the action as possible. |
We want our own space to spread out and relax. |
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There's so much to do we'll hardly be in our rooms. |
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Cabins provide a home-style environment nestled among the redwoods. Linens and towels are provided along with a kitchen stocked with pots, pans, utensils and space for dining.
Lodge Rooms are perfect welcoming spaces with varying views of the redwoods and the grounds. Each have private baths, linens provided, furnishings & decor, and spacious rooms.
Registration begins for 2024 summer in early February. Exact date TBA.
Use the map and these designations to help give perspective on the experience our unique lodging provides. We've classified each into one of three distance categories.
Right in the action. These accommodations are as close to the centralized activities on camp as it gets.
A great balance between access and privacy. Easy access to the activities with enough distance to retreat.
You'll feel like you've got your own private retreat. These accommodations are further away from the central activities.
Have a Special Diet or Medical Dietary issue? Please fill out this form to let us know about it so we can better serve you.
Boys and men are asked to wear firmly secured, non-sagging swim suits, not bikini style Speedo bottoms, nor underwear, boxer shorts or ripped or cut street shorts.
Girls and women are asked to wear modest swimwear appropriate for a family pool. Modest one-piece bathing suits are appropriate for all ages, as well as two piece suits that include ‘swim shorts’ or ‘swim skirts,’ or two-piece suits that accomplish full coverage. Most bikinis, high French-cut suits, or thongs are not considered ‘modest’ by these standards, even if worn with a cover-up when outside the pool.
Please use changing rooms for changing into swim attire (regardless of age) and wear suitable cover-ups when walking from your house to the pool area. Lifeguards exercise full authority on appropriate attire. If attire is not appropriate, residents may be asked to wear a T-shirt, cover-up or to leave the pool area. Staff members are held to the same standards as guests. A full list of rules is posted at the pool. Children under 18 must pass a swim test to go past shoulder depth.
Snacks, sodas and packaged ice creams will be on sale at the conference center pool this summer. Be sure to pack some cash in your pool bag!
Due to the unique nature of a “temporary community” shared by hundreds of guests at one time, Mount Hermon does not permit pets to accompany guests during their stay. Mount Hermon does comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for “service animals.” Guests and their service animal will be provided accommodations and facility access in the same manner as all guests. The qualification of a “service animal” must meet the definition given in the Americans with Disabilities Act: “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.” Emotional Support Animals or Comfort Animals are not considered service animals under the ADA, and therefore not permitted at Mount Hermon Family Camps. A list of excellent local pet boarding services is available upon request.
In the afternoons, you and your family will be able to participate in a variety of recreation activities such as archery, kayaking, and our world class ropes courses. To sign up for these activities you will recieve an email a few weeks prior to coming to camp with instructions on how to register for the activities of your choice online.
We also offer many afternoon activites that do not require signing-up prior to camp! These activities include:
Additionally, we offer several great tournaments you can compete in with friends and family. We’ll have tournaments in basketball, ping pong, foosball, and our legendary “Dad’s Big Splash” contest! These will all be open to sign ups when you get to camp during our mid-morning coffee breaks.