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A Mount Hermon Update

March 2024

Dear Mount Hermon Family,

We are excited to write to you today to share about how God continues to display His faithfulness at Mount Hermon, and to update you on the CEO search process.

Please click below to see the full letter from Rick Alvord, the Chair of the Board of Directors.


Dear Mount Hermon Family,

It is with both excitement and sadness that I write you this letter. Mount Hermon is a place that God has used to transform me from the inside out since I began attending at the age of six. It is a place where God has met me, refreshed me, altered my plans, and worked powerfully in my life. It’s also a place where some of my best family memories have been forged - as a child, then as a dad, and now as a grandfather. Jane and I love this place!

Even with that being the case, it has become clear to us that it is time for us to leave Mount Hermon and to turn this ministry over to a new leader. Allow me to explain.

Prior to coming to Mount Hermon I spent my adult life as a pastor, and I am truly a pastor at heart. It has been my aim to care for the staff, protect this ministry spiritually and theologically, and ensure that Jesus remains center of all its activities. What a privileged calling! Mount Hermon has stayed true to the Lord and His word for 117 years, and will continue to do so moving forward.

Mount Hermon is one of the largest camps in our country and is a complex and multi-faceted operation. In looking ahead it seems clear to me that Mount Hermon needs a leader who has a unique set of strengths and gifting to move this ministry forward to what the Lord has next. I have full confidence that God has already been preparing that person to lead, although we don’t know yet who it might be.

So, what is next for us? Jane and I are leaving Mount Hermon at the end of September and will be moving back to Colorado where I will become the Executive Pastor of Ministry at Crossroads Community Church in Parker, Colorado. I will be overseeing the ministry staff, doing some preaching, leading staff meetings, and more. We are also excited that we will be living close to three of our four children, two grandchildren, with a third little one on the way! My last day on staff will be September 23 after enjoying our ninth summer on staff.

It has truly been one of the greatest privileges and honors of my life to lead Mount Hermon, and Jane and I will greatly miss you. Mount Hermon is in the capable and godly hands of our Board of Directors, Trustees, and staff Leadership Team. I am indebted to these godly leaders, each one who cares deeply about the ministry of Mount Hermon, and who also genuinely care about you.

Please pray for God to guide our leaders as they determine who the next President/CEO of Mount Hermon will be. Also pray that God will continue to protect and provide for Mount Hermon, as He has faithfully done for well beyond a century. Great days are ahead for Mount Hermon as this is God’s place. To God be the glory, great things He has done!

And … we are hopeful to return each summer for Family Camp as we did prior to coming on staff!

With deep gratitude and much love,

Mike Romberger

Dear Mount Hermon Friends and Family,

Mount Hermon is preparing for an amazing summer of ministry and we couldn’t be more energized and excited to see what God will do. Lives will be refreshed, renewed, and transformed as God works at Mount Hermon. But we also know a change is coming this Fall.

Earlier this week, we announced to the Mount Hermon staff that Mike Romberger, our President/CEO, will be leaving Mount Hermon in September. Mike has accepted a position at a church in Colorado and will be returning to a pastoral role.

In 2015, I was honored to Chair the Search Committee that unanimously recommended that we invite Mike to Mount Hermon. Throughout the entire process it was very clear that he was God’s choice, and that he was being called to Mount Hermon for the coming season. Now, eight years later we clearly see God moving and working again, this time calling Mike to a new role.

On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, I want to convey how extremely grateful we are for the leadership and pastoral care that Mike has brought to Mount Hermon. During his time as President/CEO we have seen so much accomplished: Remodeling many facilities and guest accommodations at the Conference Center, rebuilding parts of Redwood Camp and Ponderosa Lodge, building the Samuelson Pavilion at Redwood Camp, significant ministry growth at Kidder Creek, staff unity and growth, and leading through a difficult COVID season. There are many other important highlights of the way God has used Mike during the past eight years, and we are so grateful for his time at Mount Hermon.

On a personal note, I wanted to let you know that it has been a tremendous blessing to not only serve alongside Mike, but to call him a close friend. His leadership of Mount Hermon and his friendship have had a tremendous impact not only on myself, but countless others.

In the near future, the Board will be forming a Search Committee to conduct a nation-wide search for the leader God has selected to guide Mount Hermon into the next season of ministry. I am confident that as God calls one away, He is already preparing someone else to come to Mount Hermon. Mike will serve with us all summer, so I would encourage you to connect with him and thank him for his years of service.

We ask for your prayers in this process and we are grateful for your continued support of Mount Hermon. Please also continue to pray for the ministry of Mount Hermon and for Mike as he leads throughout this summer and prepares for transition. We are confident that God will continue to guide and lead Mount Hermon in the fulfillment of His work.

With Love and Gratitude,

Rick Alvord

Chairman of the Board